Our Faculty

Prof. Dr. J. S. Dua
Vice President, ILAMED, Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Mr. Netar Singh
Administrator, ILAMED

Dr. Piotr Sznelewski
Senior Consultant Dermatologist Warsaw, Poland

Dr. Blanca Miller Kobisher
President, International Union of Aesthetic Medicine, Paris
Prof. Dr. Emanuele
President of the Italiyan Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Italy
Prof. Dr. Andrzej
Honorary President of UIME, Poland
Dr. John-Paul
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon, Kenya
Dr. Sabine Wied
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon, Kenya
Prof. Dr. Andrea Tomeo
Senior Cosmetic Surgeon, Dubai
Dr. Enrique Fdez. Romero
Medical Director of the Integral Medical Center, Spain
Dr. J. A. López Pitalúa
Dr. M. Soledad Lagüéns
Dr. Gabueva Elona Telmanovna
Dr. Viveka
Dr. Karim
Dr. Mario
Dr. Sergio Fernandez Mesa
Dr. Eduardo de Frutos Pachón
Dr. Ferdinand Wanjala Nangole
Dr. Ami
Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam
Consultant Dermatologist, Former Minister of Health and Human Resources of Malaysia
Dr. Janarthanan
Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kerala
Dr. Ossama
Senior Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon, Dubai, UAE
Prof. Dr. Salwa
M. Bahkali
Cosmetic Gynaecologist & Professor at Princes Norah University, KSA
Dr. Hasan Subaşi
New York
Dr. Claude Chauchard
International Anti-Aging Expert, Chairman & Founder, La Clinique de Paris, France
Dr. Carole Faure
Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Physician, Founder & President, JUVENCLINIC, France
Dr. Ahmed Habiba
Senior Aesthetic Dermatologist & Thread Lift Instructor, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Jacques Henri
Senior Consultant Physician, France
Dr. Neelu Gupta
Senior Consultant Gynaecologist
Prof. Dr. Rajesh Verma
Professor Senior Consultant Anesthetist
Dr. Tarek Elnaggar
MD, PhD, FICO (honor), Fellow royal college of surgeons in Edinburgh, Fellow Bascom palmer eye institute Miami FL, USA
Dr. Med. Christian Seebauer
Senior Consultant Maxillo-Facial Surgeon, Germany
Dr. Med Fred Podmelle
Senior Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, Germany
Prof. ABD EL Aziz EL Taweel
Head, Department of Dermatology & Andrology Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
Dr. Rolf Soehnchen
Consultant Dermatologist & Aesthetic Physician, Dubai
Dr. Tarun
Senior Consultant Physician, India
Dr. Bhavin
Senior Consultant Gynecologist, UK
Dr. Evandra De Moura Rabello
Plastic Surgeon, Brazil
Dr. Syed Khaja
Senior Consultant Endodontics, KSA
Dr. Waleed
Tariq Karra
MBBS Masters in Clinical Dermatology (University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK), Dermatologist (Dubai Health Authority)
Dr. Khalid
Senior Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr. Barbara
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Henri Mondor University Hospital, Paris
Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Meningaud
MD, PHD,Professor & Head of the Department, Plastic and maxillofacial Surgery, Henri Mondor hospital (Hospitals of Paris)
Dr. Ilaria
Dermatologist & Aesthetic Physician, University of Florence, Italy
Dr. R. K.
Senior Consultant ENT, Abu Dhabi
Dr. Stephane
International Mesotherapy & Anti-Aging Expert, France
Dr. Barkha
Senior Consultant Oral Surgery
ADV. Dr. Arun Mishra
Senior Medicolegal Consultant
Prof. Dr. Oksana V. Vladimirova
Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Stavropol State Medical University, Russia
Dr. Deeksha Thakare
Consultant Aesthetic Physician
Dr. Lokesh Suryanarayanan
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Vidya Pancholia
Senior Consultant Gynaecologist
Dr. Gacheri P Kathiri
Senior Consultant Dermatologist, Kenya
Dr. Zhumatova Gulnar Gabbasovna
Dr. Sammy Orock Oben
MD, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Cameroon
Dr. Hanoch Kumar K
Senior Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr. Vikas R. Sharma
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Madhura Kulkarni
Consultant Maxillofacial and Cosmetic Surgeon
Dr. Maurizo Podda
Board of Directors, ISDS Chairman, Deptt. of Dermatology, Klinikum Darmstadt, Germany
Dr. Neha Parashar
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr. D. Abi Sindhuja
MS General Surgery, DNB General Surgery
Dr. Neenu Kaul
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist
Dr. Mohit Dhiman
BDS, MDS - Maxillofacial Prosthodontist & Implantologist
Dr. Anupam Sharan
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
Dr. Nainik Mehta
Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr. Sooriaprakash
Consultant Endodontist
Dr. Isha
Dr. Anu Bhatia
Consultant Periodontist
Dr. Siddhi
Consultant Endodontist
Dr. Nadeem Qadri
MDS (Prosthodontics), BDS - Fellow of Nobel Boicare
Dr. Ragini Agarwal
Senior Consultant Gynaecologist
ADV. Shashi Pratap Singh
Medicolegal Consultant
Dr. K Prem Anand
Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon
Dr. Seema Sharma
Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, MD, FRCOG, FICOG
Dr. Amrita Saha
Consultant Gynaecologist
Dr. Yukti Wadhawan
Senior Consultant, Gynecologist
Dr. Suresh K
MBBS, MS, MCh Plastic Surgery (AIIMS)
Dr. Pranav Pancholia
Dermatologist & Cosmetic Physician
Scientific Network